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Calculate the perimeter in c++

Calculate the perimeter in c++

Write a C++ program that stores the integer value 16 in the variable length and the integer value 18 in the variable width of a rectangle. Have your program calculate the perimeter of the shape and store the value in the variable perimeter. Use the cout object to display the perimeter.


STEP#1    Start
STEP#2    Declare the variable Length, Width, Perimeter
STEP#3    Assign value 16 to Length
STEP#4    Assign value 18 to Width
STEP#5    Calculate value of Perimeter
STEP#6    Perimeter= 2(Length+Width)
STEP#7    Display the Perimeter
STEP#8    End


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int Lenth,Weidth,Perimeter;
    cout<<"your answer is "<<Perimeter;
    return 0;

C++ program that stores the integer value 16

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